The Profits of Religion, Fifth Edition by Upton Sinclair
page 117 of 323 (36%)
page 117 of 323 (36%)
public exercise of their own worship to persons immigrating
from it. She has the power of requiring the state not to permit free expression of opinion. You see, the Holy Office is unrepentant and unchastened. You, who think that liberty of conscience is the basis of civilization, ought at least to know what the Catholic Church has to say about the matter. Here is Mgr. Segur, in his "Plain Talk About Protestantism of Today", a book published in Boston and extensively circulated by American Catholics: Freedom of thought is the soul of Protestantism; it is likewise the soul of modern rationalism and philosophy. It is one of those impossibilities which only the levity of a superficial reason can regard as admissable. But a sound mind, that does not feed on empty words, looks upon this freedom of thought only as simply absurd, and, what is more, as sinful. You take the liberty of thinking, nevertheless; you feel safe because the Law will protect you. But do you imagine that this "Law" applies to your Catholic neighbors? Do you imagine that they are bound by the restraints that bind #you#? Here is Pope Leo XIII, in his Encyclical of 1890--and please remember that Leo XIII was the #beau ideal# of our capitalist statesmen and editors, as wise and kind and gentle-souled a pope as ever roasted a heretic. He says: If the laws of the state are openly at variance with the |