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Walker's Appeal, with a Brief Sketch of His Life - And Also Garnet's Address to the Slaves of the United States of America by David Walker;Henry Highland Garnet
page 38 of 108 (35%)
"This _unfortunate_ difference of colour, and _perhaps_ of
_faculty_, is a powerful obstacle to the emancipation of
these people. Many of their advocates, while they wish to
vindicate the liberty of human nature are anxious also to
preserve its _dignity_ and _beauty_. Some of these,
embarrassed by the question, 'What further is to be done
with them? join themselves in opposition with those who are
actuated by sordid avarice only."

Now I ask you candidly, my suffering brethren in time, who are
candidates for the eternal worlds, how could Mr. Jefferson but have
given the world these remarks respecting us, when we are so submissive
to them, and so much servile deceit prevails among ourselves--when we
so _meanly_ submit to their murderous lashes, to which neither the
Indians or any other people under heaven would submit? No, they could
die to a man, before they would suffer such things from men who are no
better than themselves, and _perhaps not so good_. Yes, how can our
friends but be embarrassed, as Mr. Jefferson says, by the question,
"What further is to be done with these people?" for while they are
working for our emancipation, we are, by our treachery, wickedness and
deceit, working against ourselves and our children--helping ours, and
the enemies of God, to keep us and our dear little children, in their
infernal chains of slavery!! Indeed, our friends cannot but relapse
and join themselves with those who are actuated by _sordid avarice_
only!!!!' For my part, I am glad Mr. Jefferson has advanced his
position for your sake; for you will either have to contradict or
confirm him by your own actions and not by what our friends have said
or done for us; for those things are other men's labors and do not
satisfy the Americans who are waiting for us to prove to them
ourselves that we are MEN before they will be willing to admit the
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