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Walker's Appeal, with a Brief Sketch of His Life - And Also Garnet's Address to the Slaves of the United States of America by David Walker;Henry Highland Garnet
page 39 of 108 (36%)
fact; for I pledge you my sacred word of honor that Mr. Jefferson's
remarks respecting us have sunk deep into the hearts of millions of
the whites and never will be removed this side of eternity. For how
can they, when we are confirming him every day by our _groveling
submissions_ and _treachery_?

I aver that when I look upon these United States and see the ignorant
deceptions and consequent wretchedness of my brethren, I am brought
oft-times solemnly to a stand, and in the midst of my reflections I
exclaim to my God, 'Lord didst thou make us to be slaves to our
brethren, the whites?' But when I reflect that God is just, and that
millions of my wretched brethren would meet death with glory--yea,
more, would plunge into the very mouths of cannons and be torn into
particles as minute as the atoms which compose the elements of the
earth, in preference to a mean submission to the lash of tyrants, I am
with streaming eyes, compelled to shrink back into nothingness before
my Maker, and exclaim again, thy will be done, O Lord God Almighty.

Men of colour, who are also of sense, for you particularly is my
appeal designed. Our more ignorant brethren are not able to penetrate
its value. I call upon you therefore to cast your eyes upon the
wretchedness of your brethren and to do your utmost to enlighten
them--_go to work and enlighten your brethren!_--let the Lord see you
doing what you can to rescue them and yourselves from degradation. Do
any of you say that you and your family are free and happy and what
have you to do with wretched slaves and other people? So can I say,
for I enjoy as much freedom as any of you, if I am not quite as well
off as the best of you. Look into our freedom and happiness and see of
what kind they are composed!! They are of the very lowest kind--they
are the very _dregs!_--they are the most servile and abject kind, that
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