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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 16 of 73 (21%)
and Summersetshire.

[Sidenote: The king put awaie his wife Editha.]
Moreouer, about the same time the king put his wife queene Editha
from him, and appointed hir to streict keeping in the abbeie of
Warwell. This Editha was a noble gentlewoman, well learned, and expert
in all sciences, yet hir good name was stained somewhat, as though
she had not liued so continentlie as was to be wished, both in hir
husbands life time, and after his deceasse. But yet at the houre
of hir death (which chanced in the daies of William Conqueror) she
cleared hir selfe, in taking it vpon the charge of hir soule, that she
had euer liued in perfect chastitie: for king Edward (as before is
mentioned) neuer touched hir in anie actuall maner. By this streict
dealing with the quéene that was daughter to earle Goodwine, now in
time of hir fathers exile, it hath séemed to manie, that king Edward
forbare to deale with hir in carnall wise, more for hatred of hir kin,
than for anie other respect. But to proceed.

[Sidenote: 1052. _Hen. Hunt._]
In the second yéere of Goodwines banishment, both he and his sonnes
hauing prouided themselues of ships and men of warre conuenient for
the purpose, came vpon the coasts of England, and after the maner of
rouers, tooke preies where as they espied aduantage, namelie on the
[Sidenote: Griffin king of Wales destroieth Herefordshire.]
coasts of Kent and Sussex. In the meane time also Griffin the K. of
Wales destroid a great part of Herefordshire, against whom the power
of that countrie, & also manie Normans that lay in garrison within the
castell of Hereford, comming to giue battell, were ouerthrowne on the
same day, in the which about two and twentie yéeres before, or (as
some copies haue) thirtéene yéeres, the Welshmen had slaine Edwine,
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