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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 17 of 73 (23%)
[Sidenote: Harold inuadeth the shires of Dorset and Summerset.]
the brother of earle Leofrike. Shortlie after, earle Harold and his
brother Leofwine returning out of Ireland, entered into the Seuerne
sea, landing on the coasts of Summersetshire and Dorsetshire, where
falling to spoile, they were incountred by a power assembled out of
the counties of Deuonshire and Summersetshire: but Harold put his
aduersaries to flight, and slue thirtie gentlemen of honor, or thanes
(as they called them) with a great number of others. Then Harold and
his brethren, returning with their preie and bootie to their ships,
and coasting about the point of Cornwall, came and ioined with their
father & their other brethren, then soiorning in the Ile of Wight.

King Edward to withstand their malice, had rigged and furnished foorth
[Sidenote: _Simon Dun._]
sixtie ships of warre, with the which he himselfe went to the
water, not sticking to lie aboord at that season, although he had
appointed for capteines and admerals two earles that were his coosins,
Odo and Rafe, who had charge of the whole armie. Rafe was his nephue,
as sonne to his sister Goda by hir first husband Gualter de Maunt. But
although they were knowne to be sufficient men for the ordering of
such businesse, yet he thought the necessitie to be such, as his
person could not be presentlie spared. Therefore he was diligent in
foreséeing of things by good aduise, although age would not giue him
leaue to execute the same by his owne hand and force of bodie. But as
the nauies on both parts were readie to haue ioined, they were seuered
by reason of a thicke mist that then rose, wherby their furious rage
was restreined for that time: and immediatlie therevpon, Goodwine
and his complices were forced by a contrarie wind, to returne to the
places from whence they came. Shortlie after by mediation of friends,
a peace was made, and earle Goodwine restored home, and obteined
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