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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 25 of 73 (34%)
himselfe and his sonnes to the chiefe seat of gouernement in the
kingdome, or that of hatred such slanders were raised of him, it may
of some perhaps be doubted; because that in the daies of king
Edward (which was a soft and gentle prince) he bare great rule and
authoritie, and so might procure to himselfe euill report for euerie
thing that chanced amisse: as oftentimes it commeth to passe in such
cases, where those that haue great dooings in the gouernement of the
common wealth, are commonlie euill spoken of, and that now and
then without their guilt. But truth it is, that Goodwine being in
authoritie both in the daies of king Edward and his predecessors, did
manie things (as should appeare by writers) more by will than by
[Sidenote: _Hen. Hunt._]
law, and so likewise did his sonnes; vpon presumption of the great
puissance that they and their father were of within the realme.

He had to wife Editha, the sister of king Cnute, of whome he begat
[Sidenote: _Polydor_.]
thrée sonnes (as some write) that is to say, Harold, Biorne, &
Tostie: also his daughter Editha, whome he found meanes to bestow in
mariage vpon K. Edward, as before ye haue heard. But other write,
[Sidenote: _Will. Malm._]
that he had but one son by Cnutes sister, the which in riding of a
rough horsse was throwen into the riuer of Thames, and so drowned. His
mother also was stricken with a thunderbolt, & so perished worthilie
(as is reported) for hir naughtie dooings. She vsed to buy great
numbers of yoong persons, and namelie maids that were of anie
excellent beautie and personage, whome she sent ouer into Denmarke,
and there sold them to hir most aduantage. After hir deceasse (as the
same authors record) Goodwine maried another woman, by whome he had
issue six sonnes, Swanus or Swaine, Harrold, Tostie or Tosto, Wilnot,
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