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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 26 of 73 (35%)
Girth, and Leofrike; of whom further mention is & shall be made, as
places conuenient shall serue thereto.

* * * * *

_Edward earle of Northumberland discomfiteth Mackbeth the usurper of
the Scotish kingdome and placeth Malcolme in the same, a controuersie
whether Siward were at this discomfiture or no; his stout words when
he heard that one of his sonnes was slaine in the field, bishop Aldred
is sent to fetch home Edward the sonne of K. Edmund Ironside into
England; earle Algar being banished ioineth with the Welshmen against
the English and Normans, and getteth the victorie; Harold the son of
earle Goodwine putteth earle Algar & his retinue to their shifts by
pursute, pacification betweene the generals of both armies, their
hosts, Siward earle of Northumberland dieth; his giantlike stature,
his couragious heart at the time of his deceasse, why Tostie one of
Goodwins sonnes succeeded him in the earledome._


[Sidenote: _Matth. West._ 1054. _Hector Boet._]
About the thirteenth yeare of king Edward his reigne (as some
write) or rather about the ninetéenth or twentith yeare, as
should appeare by the Scotish writers, Siward the noble earle of
Northumberland with a great power of horssemen went into Scotland,
and in battell put to flight Mackbeth that had vsurped the crowne of
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