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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 32 of 73 (43%)
partlie by the persuasion of his wife, he builded or beneficiallie
augmented and repared manie abbeies & churches, as the said abbeie
or priorie at Couentrie, the abbeies of Wenlocke, Worcester, Stone,
Euesham, and Leof besides Hereford. Also he builded two churches
[Sidenote: Churches in Chester built.]
within the citie of Chester, the one called S. Iohns, and the
other S. Werbrough. The value of the iewels & ornaments which he
bestowed on the abbeie church of Couentrie, was inestimable.

After Leofriks death, his sonne Algar was made earle, and intituled
[Sidenote: _Henr. Hunt._ Algar earle of Chester exiled. 1058.]
in all his lands and seigniories. In the yeare following, to
wit, 1058, the same Algar was accused againe (through malice of some
enuious persons) of treason, so that he was exiled the land, wherevpon
he repaired againe vnto his old friend Griffin prince of Northwales,
of whome he was ioifullie receiued, & shortlie after by his aid, &
also by the power of a nauie of ships that by chance arriued in
[Sidenote: _Simon Dun._ 1063.]
those parts at that selfe same season vnlooked for out of Norwaie, the
said Algar recouered his earledome by force, as some haue written.
King Edward about the twentith yeare of his reigne, as then
[Sidenote: _Simon Dun._ _Mat. West._]
remaining at Glocester, appointed earle Harold to inuade the dominions
of Griffin king of Wales. Harold taking with him a power of horssemen,
made spéed, and came to Rutland, and there burned Griffins palace, and
also his ships, and then about Midlent returned againe into England.

After this, about the Rogation wéeke, Harold eftsoones by the kings
commandement went against the Welshmen, and taking the sea, sailed by
Bristow, round about the coast, compassing in maner all Wales. His
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