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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 33 of 73 (45%)
brother Tostie that was earle of Northumberland, met him by
[Sidenote: Wales destroied and harried by the Englishmen.]
appointment with an host of horssemen, and so joining togither, they
destroied the countrie of Wales in such sort, that the Welshmen
were compelled to submit themselues, to deliuer hostages, and
[Sidenote: The Welshmen agrée to pay their accustomed tribute.]
conditioned to paie the ancient tribute which before time they had
paied. And moreouer, they renounced their prince the forenamed
Griffin, so that he remained as a banished person: and finallie, about
the fift day of August, they slue him, and sent his head to earle
[Sidenote: 1064.]
Harold. Afterwards king Edward granted the rule of Wales vnto Blengent
[Sidenote: _Wil. Malm._ _Simon Dun._]
or Blethgent, & Riuall, Griffins two brethren, which did homage
vnto him for the same, and had serued vnder Harold against their
brother the foresaid Griffin. There be which write, that not onelie
Griffin, but also another of his brethren called Rice, was brought
[Sidenote: _Wil. Malm._]
to his death by the manfull meanes and politike order of earle
Harold, & all the sauage people of Wales reduced into the forme of
good order vnder the subiection of king Edward.

[Sidenote: Harold goeth ouer into Normandie. _Polydor_.]
Shortlie after, earle Harold chanced to passe ouer into Normandie,
whither of hap or of purpose it is hard to define, writers doo varie
so much in report thereof. Some write that he made earnest sute to
king Edward, to haue licence to go ouer to sée his brother Wilnot,
[Sidenote: _Edmerus_.]
and his nephue Hacune, which (as ye haue heard) were deliuered as
pledges to king Edward, & sent into Normandie to remaine there with
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