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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 46 of 73 (63%)

But to the purpose, beside the doubt which rested among the lords, how
to bestow the crowne, the manifold and strange woonders, which, were
séene and heard in those daies, betokening (as men thought) some
change to be at hand in the state of the realme, made the lords
afraid, and namelie bicause they stood in great doubt of William duke
of Normandie, who pretended a right to the crowne, as lawfull heire
appointed by king Edward, for that he was kin to him in the
[Sidenote: Dukes of Normandie.]
second and third degree. For Richard the first of that name duke of
Normandie, begot Richard the second, and Emma; which Emma bare Edward
by hir husband Ethelred. Richard the second had also issue Richard
the third, and Robert, which Robert by a concubine had issue William,
surnamed the bastard, that was now duke of Normandie, and after the
death of his coosine king Edward, made claime (as is said) to the
crowne of England.

Whilest the lords were thus studieng and consulting what should be
[Sidenote: Harold proclaimed king of England.]
best for them to doo in these doubts, Harold, the son of Goodwine
earle of Kent, proclaimed himselfe king of England: the people being
not much offended therewith, bicause of the great confidence and
opinion which they had latelie conceiued of his valiancie. Some write
[Sidenote: Edmerus.]
(among whome Edmerus is one) how king Edward ordeined before his
death, that Harold should succéed him as heire to the crowne, and
that therevpon the lords immediatlie after the said Edwards deceasse,
crowned Harold for their king, and so he was consecrated by Aldred
archbishop of Yorke, according to the custom and maner of the former
[Sidenote: _Matth. West._]
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