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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 47 of 73 (64%)
kings, or (as other affirme) he set the crowne on his owne head
without anie the accustomed ceremonies, in the yéere after the birth
of our sauiour 1066, or in the yéere of Christ 1065, after the account
of the church of England (as before is noted.)

But how and whensoeuer he came to the seat roiall of this kingdome,
certeine it is, that this Harold in the begining of his reigne,
considering with himselfe how and in what sort he had taken vpon him
the rule of the kingdome, rather by intrusion than by anie lawfull
[Sidenote: Harold séeketh to win the peoples hearts. _Sim. Dunel._]
right, studied by all meanes which way to win the peoples fauour, and
omitted no occasion whereby he might shew anie token of bountious
liberalitie, gentlenesse and courteous behauiour towards them. The
gréeuous customes also and taxes which his predecessors had raised, he
either abolished or diminished: the ordinarie wages of his seruants
and men of warre he increased, and further shewed himselfe verie well
bent to all vertue and goodnesse, whereby he purchased no small fauor
among such as were his subiects.

[Sidenote: An ambassage from Normandie.]
Whilest Harold went about thus to steale the peoples good willes,
there came ouer vnlooked for sundrie ambassadours from William the
bastard duke of Normandie, with commission to require him to remember
his oth sometime made to the said William in the time of his
extremitie, which was, that he the said Harold should aid him in the
obteining of the crowne of England, if king Edward should happen to
die without issue. This couenant he made (as it is supposed) in king
Edwards daies, when (by licence of the same Edward, or rather (as
Edmerus writeth) against his will) he went ouer into Normandie to
visit his brethren, which laie there as pledges.
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