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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 50 of 73 (68%)
of afterclaps. To be resolutelie instructed herein, doo but peruse a
treatise intituled; A doctrine generall of comets or blasing starres
published by a bishop of Mentz in Latine, and set foorth in English by
Abraham Fleming vpon the apparition of a blasing starre séene in the
southwest, on the 10 of Nouember 1577, and dedicated to the right
worshipfull sir William Cordell knight, then maister of hir maiesties
rolles, &c.

* * * * *

_Earle Tostie afflicteth his brother Harold on sea and land, he taketh
the repulse, and persuadeth Harfager king of Norweie to attempt the
conquest of England against Harold, Harfager & Tostie with their
powers arriue at Humber, they fight with the Northumbers vnder the
conduct of Edwine and Marchar, and discomfit them; Harold leuieth
an armie against them, the rare valiantnes of a Norwegian souldior;
Harfager and Tostie slaine in battell; the Norwegians are foiled and
flie; Harolds vnequall and parciall dividing of the spoile, he goeth
to Yorke to reforms things amisse._


Whilest Harold desirous to reteine, and verie loth to let go his
vsurped roialtie, had crackt his credit with the duke of Normandie,
and by his lewd reuolting from voluntarie promises ratified with
solemne othes, had also kindled the fire of the dukes furie against
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