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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 51 of 73 (69%)
him; it came to passe, that the proud and presumptuous man was (to
[Sidenote: Tostie séekes to disquiets his brother.]
begin withall) vexed in his owne flesh, I meane his owne kinred.
For Tostie the brother of king Harold (who in the daies of king
Edward for his crueltie had béene chased out of the realme by the
Northumbers) returning out of Flanders, assembled a nauie of ships
from diuers parts to the number of 60, with the which he arriued in
[Sidenote: _Matt. West._ saith but 40. _Polydor_. _Ran Higd._
_Sim. Dun._]
the Ile of Wight, & there spoiled the countrie, and afterward sailing
about by the coasts of Kent, he tooke sundrie preies their[a] also, and
came at the last to Sandwich: so that Harold was now constreined to
appoint the nauie which he had prepared against the Normans, to go
against his brother earle Tostie. Whereof the said Tostie being
aduertised, drew towards Lindsey in Lincolnshire, and there taking
[Sidenote: _Wil. Malm._ Tosties repelled. _Polydor_. _Ran. Higd._]
land did much hurt in the countrie, both with sword and fire, till
at length Edwine earle of Mercia, and Marchar earle of Northumberland,
aided with the kings nauie, chased him from thence, and caused him to
flie into Scotland, not without some losse both of his men and ships.

This trouble was scarse quieted, but streightwaies another came in
the necke thereof, farre more dangerous than the first. For Tostie,
perceiuing that he could get no aid in Scotland to make anie
[Sidenote: Harold Harfager king of Norweie.]
acccount of, sailed forth into Norweie, and there persuaded Harold
Harfager king of that realme, to saile with an armie into England,
persuading him that by meanes of ciuill dissention latelie kindled
betwixt the king and his lords (which was not so) it should be an
easie matter for him to make a conquest of the whole realme, and
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