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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 52 of 73 (71%)
reigne ouer them as his predecessors had done before. Some authors
affirme, that Harold king of Norwey tooke this enterprise in hand
[Sidenote: _Matt. West._ _Simon Dun._]
of his owne mind, and not by procurement of Tostie, saieng, that
Tostie méeting with him in Scotland, did persuade him to go forward
in his purposed busines, and that the said Harold Harfager with all
conuenient spéed passed foorth, & with a nauie of 300 saile entered
[Sidenote: _Simon Dun._ saith 500.]
into the riuer of Tine, where after he had rested a few daies to
refresh his people, earle Tostie came also with his power (according
to an appointment which should be made betweene them.) They ad
furthermore, that they sailed forth alongst the coast, till they
[Sidenote: The Norwegians arriue in Humber. Richall. _Hen. Hunt._]
arriued in the mouth of Humber, & then drawing vp against the streame
of the riuer Owse, they landed at length at a place called Richhall,
from whence they set forward to inuade the countrie, & néere vnto
Yorke on the northside of the citie, they fought with the power of the
[Sidenote: The English men discomfited.]
Northumbers, which was led by the earls Edwine and Marchar (two
brethren) and there discomfited and chased them into the citie, with
great slaughter and bloudshed.

[Sidenote: This battell was fought on the even of S. Mattew the
apostle, as saith _Si. Dun._]
Harold king of England being aduertised of this chance, made the
more hast forward (for he was alreadie in the field with his armie,
intending also to come towards his enimies) so that vpon the fift day
after he came to Stamford bridge, finding there the said king Harfager
and Tostie readie imbattelled, he first assailed those that kept the
bridge, where (as some writers affirme) a Norwegian souldier with
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