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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 53 of 73 (72%)
[Sidenote: _Wil. Malm._ _Hen. Hunt._ _Matt. West._]
his axe defended the passage, mauger the whole host of the Englishmen,
and slue fortie of them or more with his axe, & might not be ouercome,
till an Englishman went with a boat vnder the said bridge, and through
an hole thereof thrust him vp into the bodie with his speare: yet
Matt. West, saith that he was slaine with a dart which one of king
Harold his seruants threw at him, & so ended his life. Which bridge
[Sidenote: The Norwegians discomfited.]
being woone, the whole host of the Englishmen passed ouer, and
ioined with their enimies, and after a verie great and sore battell
put them all to flight.

[Sidenote: The king of Norwaie and Tostie slaine.]
In this conflict Harold Harfager king of the Norwegians was
slaine, & so was Tostie the king of England his brother, besides a
great number of other, as well in the battell as in the chase: neither
did the Englishmen escape all frée, for the Norwegians fought it out a
[Sidenote: This battell was fought on the 25 of September as saith
_Si. Dun._]
long time verie stoutlie, beating downe and killing great numbers
of such as assailed them with great courage and assurance. The residue
of the Norwegians that were left to kéepe their ships vnder the
guiding of Olaue sonne to the king of Norwaie, and Paule earle of
[Sidenote: _Matth. West._]
Orkneie, after they vnderstood by their fellowes that escaped from
the field, how the mater went with Harfager and Tostie, they hoised vp
their sailes and directed their course homewards, bearing sorowfull
newes with them into their countrie, of the losse of their king and
[Sidenote: _Simon Dun._]
ouerthrow of all his people. Some write, that the king of England
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