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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 64 of 73 (87%)
battell, giuing licence in semblable manner to the Englishmen to doo
[Sidenote: _Giral. Camb._]
the like. Of the death of Harold diuerse report diuerslie, in so
much that Girald Cambrensis saith, that after king Harold had receiued
manie wounds, and lost his left eie, he fled from the field vnto the
citie of Westchester, and liued there long after, an holie life, as an
anchoret in the cell of S. James, fast by S. Johns church, and there
made a godlie end. But the saieng of Girald Cambren. in that point
[Sidenote: _Wil. Malm._ _Hen. Hunt._ _Matth. West._]
is not to be credited, bicause of the vnlikelihood of the thing
it selfe, and also generall consent of other writers, who affirme
vniuersallie that he was killed in the battell, first being striken
thorough the left eie by the scull into the braine with an arrow,
wherevpon falling from his horsse to the ground, he was slaine in
[Sidenote: _Floriac._ _Simon Dun._]
that place, after he had reigned nine moneths and nine daies, as
Floriacensis dooth report. He was a man of a comelie stature, and of
a hawtie courage, & albeit that for his valiancie he was highlie
[Sidenote: _Henr. Hunt._ _Polydor_.]
renowmed and honored of all men, yet through his pride and
ambition he lost the harts of manie. There were slaine in this
[Sidenote: The chronicles of Normandie haue of English men slaine
67974, and of Normans 6013.]
battell, besides king Harold and his two brethren, Girth and Leofrike,
what on the one side and on the other, aboue twentie thousand men.

The bodie of king Harold being found among other slaine in the field,
was buried at Waltham, within the monasterie of the holie crosse which
he before had founded, and indowed to the behoofe of such canons as
he had placed there, with faire possessions. Verelie (as some old
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