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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 65 of 73 (89%)
[Sidenote: _Ex 6. libro Polycraticon, side de nugis curialium_.
_John Sarisb._]
writers haue reported) there was nothing in this man to be in anie
wise dispraised, if his ambitious mind could haue beene staied from
coueting the kingdome, and that he could haue béene contented to
haue liued as a subiect. Among other manifest proofes of his high
valiancie, this is remembred of him, that being sent against the
Welshmen (as before is partlie mentioned) knowing their readie
nimblenesse in seruice, and how with their light armed men they were
accustomed to annoie and distresse those that should assaile them, he
likewise (to match them) prepared light armed men for the purpose, &
so being furnished with such bands of nimble men and light souldiers,
entered vpon the mounteins of Snowdon, and there remained amongst
the enimies for the space of two yéeres. He sore afflicted the Welsh
nation, tooke their kings, and sent their heads vnto the king that
sent him about his businesse, and proceeding in such rigorous maner as
might mooue the hearers to lament and pitie the case, he caused all
the male kind that might be met with, to be miserablie slaine: and
so with the edge of his swoord he brought the countrie to quiet, and
withall made this lawe; that if anie Welshman from thencefoorth should
presume to passe the limits ouer Offas ditch with anie weapon about
him, he should lose his right hand. To conclude, by the valiant
conduct of this chieftaine, the Welshmen were then so sore brought
vnder, that in maner the whole nation might séeme to faile, and to be
almost vtterlie destroied. And therefore by permission of the king
of England, the Women of Wales ioined themselues in marriage with
Englishmen. Finallie, héereby the bloud of the Saxons ceassed to
reigne in England after they had continued possession of the same,
from the first comming of Hengist, which was about the yéere of our
Sauiour 450, or 449, vntill that present yeere of king Harolds death,
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