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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 66 of 73 (90%)
[Sidenote: 1069.]
which chanced in the yéere 1069. So that from the beginning of
Hengist his reigne, vnto Harolds death, are reckoned 916 yéeres, or
(after some) 617, as by the supputation of the time will easilie
appeere. By all the which time there reigned kings of the Saxons bloud
within this land, except that for the space of twentie yéeres and
somewhat more, the Danes had the dominion of the realme in their
possession: for there are reckoned from the beginning of K. Swaines
reigne (which was the first Dane that gouerned England) vnto the last
yéere of K. Hardicnute (the last Dane that ruled heere) 28 yéeres, in
which meane space Egelred recouering the kingdome reigned 2 yéeres,
then after him his sonne Edmund Ironside continued in the rule one
yéere; so that the Danes had the whole possession of the land but 25
yéeres in all. Touching this alteration, and others incident to this
Iland, read a short aduertisement annexed (by waie of conclusion)
to this historie, comprising a short summarie of the most notable
conquests of this countrie one after an other, by distances of times

* * * * *

_The rule of this realme by Gods prouidence allotted to duke William,
his descent from Rollo the first duke of Normandie downewards to his
particular linage, he was base begotten vpon the bodie of Arlete duke
Roberts concubine, a pleasant speech of hirs to duke Robert on a time
when he was to haue the vse of hir person, a conclusion introductorie
for the sequele of the chronicle from the said duke of Normandies
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