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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 67 of 73 (91%)
coronation, &c: with a summarie of the notable conquests of this


Now, forsomuch as it pleased God by his hid and secret iudgement so
to dispose the realme of England, and in such wise, as that the
gouernance thereof should fall after this maner into the hands of
William duke of Normandie, I haue thought good before I enter further
into this historie (being now come to the conquest of the realme, made
by the foresaid duke of Normandie) to set downe his pedegrée, thereby
to shew how he descended from the first duke of that countrie, who was
named Rollo, and after by receiving baptisme called Robert.

The said Rollo or Rou, was sonne to a great lord in Denmarke called
Guion, who hauing two sons, the said Rou and Gourin, and being
appointed to depart the countrie, as the lots fell to him and other
(according to the maner there vsed, in time when their people were
increased to a greater number than the countrie was able to susteine)
refused to obeie that order, and made warre there against the king,
who yet in the end by practise found meanes to slea the foresaid
Guion, and his sonne Gourin; so that Rou or Rollo, hauing thus lost
his father and brother, was compelled to forsake the countrie, with
all those that had holpe his father to make warre against the king.
Thus driuen to séeke aduentures, at length he became a christian, and
was created duke of Normandie, by gift of Charles king of France,
surnamed le Simple, whose daughter the ladie Gilla he also maried: but
she departing this life without issue, he maried Popée daughter to the
earle of Bessin and Baileux, whome he had kept as his wife before he
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