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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 68 of 73 (93%)
was baptised, and had by hir a sonne named William Longespée, and a
daughter named Gerlota.

William Longespée or Longaspata, had to wife the ladie Sporta,
daughter to Hubert earle of Senlis, by whome he had issue Richard the
second of that name duke of Normardie, who married the ladie Agnes,
the daughter of Hugh le grand, earle of Paris, of whome no issue
procéeded: but after hir deceasse, he maried to his second wife a
gentlewoman named Gonnor, daughter to a knight of the Danish line,
by whom he had thrée sonnes, Richard that was after duke of
[Sidenote: Ye must note that there was one Richard duke of Normandie
before Rollo.]
Normandie, the third of that name, Robert and Mauger. He had also by
hir three daughters, Agnes otherwise called Emma, married first to
Egelred king of England, and after to K. Cnute: Helloie, otherwise
Alix, bestowed vpon Geffrey earle of Britaine: and Mawd coupled in
marriage with Euldes earle of Charters and Blais. Richard the third of
that name maried Iudith, sister to Geffrey earle of Britaine, by whome
he had issue thrée sonnes, Richard, Robert, and William, and as manie
daughters: Alix, married to Reignold earle of Burgogne, Elenor married
to Baldwine earle of Flanders; and the third died yoong, being
affianced to Alfonse king of Nauarre. Their mother deceassed after she
had beene married ten yéeres, and then duke Richard married secondlie
the ladie Estric, sister to Cnute king of England and Denmarke, from
whome he purchased to be diuorsed, and then married a gentlewoman
called Pauie, by whome he had issue two sonnes, William earle of
Arques, and Mauger archbishop of Rouen.

Richard the fourth of that name, duke of Normandie, eldest sonne to
Richard the third, died without issue, and then his brother Robert
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