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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 69 of 73 (94%)
succéeded in the estate, which Robert begat vpon Arlete or Harleuina
daughter to a burgesse of Felais, William surnamed the bastard,
afterward duke of Normandie, and by conquest king of England. Of
whose father duke Robert, & his paramour Arlete, take this pleasant
remembrance for a refection after the perusing of the former sad and
sober discourses.

[Sidenote: _Wil. Malm. lib. 3. cap. 1_. _Ranulph. lib. 6. cap. 19_.]
In the yéere of Christ 1030, Robert, the second sonne of Richard
the second duke of Normandie, and brother to Richard the third duke
of that name there hauing with great honour and wisedome gouerned his
dukedome seuen yéeres, for performance of a penance that he had set to
himselfe, appointed a pilgrimage to Jerusalem; leauing behind him this
[Sidenote: _Wil. Malm. lib. 3. cap. 1_. _Ranulph. lib. 6. cap. 19_.]
William a yoong prince, whome seuen yeeres before he had begotten
vpon his paramour Arlete (whom after he held as his wife) with whose
beautifull fauour, louelie grace and presence, at hir dansing on a
time then as he was tenderlie touched, for familiar vtterance of his
mind what he had further to say, would néeds that night she should be
his bedfellow, who else as wiuelesse should haue lien alone: where
when she was bestowed, thinking that if she should haue laid hir selfe
naked, it might haue séemed not so maidenlie a part: so when the duke
was about (as the maner is) to haue lift vp hir linnen, she in an
[Sidenote: _Ran. li. 6 ca. 19_.]
humble modestie staid hir lords hand, and rent downe hir smocke
asunder, from the collar to the verie skirt. Heereat the duke all
smiling did aske hir what thereby she ment? In great lowlines, with
a feate question she answerd againe; "My lord, were it méet that any
part of my garments dependant about me downeward, should presume to be
mountant to my souereignes mouth vpward? Let your grace pardon me." He
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