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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 72 of 73 (98%)
was the space of 487 yéeres. ¶ Howbeit, in the time of their
gouernement, that is to say, in the 9 yéere of king Britricus, which
was in the yéere of our Lord 387, the Danes entred into this land,
spoiling and persecuting the people therin most gréeuouslie. At the
last, Sweno or Swaine the Dane obteined possession roiall, in the
yéere of Grace 1012, whose time of regiment lasted about three yéeres.
After whom his sonne Canutus succeeded, and reigned 19 yéeres. After
him Harold his sonne, who ruled thrée yeeres: and after him Hardicnute
the sonne of Canutus, whose gouernement continued but thrée yeeres.
This Hardicnute was the last king of the Danes, at which time the
Danes were expelled and hunted out of the realme, which was in the
yéere of our Lord 1042. So that it may appeare by this collection,
that the Danes ruled as kings in this land by the space of 28 yéeres.
Hereby also it is euident, that from the time of the first entrance
of the Danes into this realme, vntill their last expulsion &
[Sidenote: 4 Britaine conquered and possessed by the Normans.]
riddance, was 255 yéeres. ¶ Finallie the Normans entred this land
likewise, and conquered the same as before is expressed, in the yéere
of our Lord 1067, which is since, vntill this present yéere of our
Lord 1585, drawing néere to the number of 600 and od yéeres.

Now let these alterations of regiments be remembred [touching the
which read a notable animaduersion in the description of Britaine,
pag. 49, 50, 51] and teach vs that therein the iudgements of God
reuealed themselues to speciall purposes. And whatsoeuer hath béene
mentioned before, either concerning the subuersion of people, the
desolation of prouinces, the ouerthrow of nobles, the ruine of
princes, and other lamentable accidents diuerslie happening vpon
sundrie occasions; let vs (I say) as manie as will reape fruit by the
reading of chronicles, imagine the matters which were so manie yéeres
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