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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) - The Eight Booke of the Historie of England by Raphael Holinshed
page 73 of 73 (100%)
past to be present, and applie the profit and commoditie of the same
vnto our selues; knowing (as one wisely said) _Post sacram paginam
chronica vivum veritatis typum gerere,_ that next vnto the holie
scripture, chronicles doo carie credit. But now to the sequele, and
first to duke William of Normandie.

_Thus farre the historie of England from Noah and his sonnes, &c;
to William duke of Normandie. Hereafter followeth a chronologicall
continuation beginning at the first yeere of the said dukes reigne
ouer this land, vntill the 25 yeere of the Queenes most excellent
maiestie Elizabeth, &c; whose daies God in mercie prolong (like the
daies of heauen) in peace and prosperitie, &c._


[Transcriber's note: [a] 'their' in original is probably meant to be
'there'. Chapter nine, first paragraph.]
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