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A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men by Thomas Betson
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Ihesu my maker & sauyour to thy wyll and ordynaûce I commytte me
euery houre. Besechynge the entyerly for grace & mercy / so that
I may be one of them that shall be saued. Teche me good lorde thy
commaundementes to fulfylle / and to do that I come fore /
eschewynge all euyll. Gyue me grace to loue the and to drede the
aboue all thynge. Remembrynge thy grete benefettes / and euer to
gyue the thankynge. And to kepe euer charyte / obedyence /
pacyence / sylence / with humylyte / demynge euer the best / saye
well / telle the trouthe / and neuer to lye. Lothe to offende /
sory for my synne / and to helpe whan nede is / & to serue the
euer deuoutly with mekenes to haue mede. Of [the] trespaces of
other to haue compassyon / [with] good coûsell example & frendely
consolacyon / & to do after good prechynge & holy saynt[es] lyues
/ kepynge my tonge & conscyence clene & to flee bacbytyng &
stryues / & to gyue none occasyon of greuaûce neuer grutchyng /
& flee ydelnes / & to praye for the deed & quycke alwaye be my
besynes Takynge hede to my charges / & do to them with good wyll
/ gladde to be correcte of eche creature / & to leue myn owne wyll.
And euer to be ware to excuse my s[yn]ne / & to trust in myn owne
wytte. Remêbrynge [that] I come to relygyon for to do penaûce for
synne / & repugne ayenst it / & to crye for mercy to the Ihesu &
to thy moder Mary. In whome I trust & shall serue / & neuer for to
varye Amen.

[*V*] ¶ D[omin]e fiat voluntas tua.

[*R*] ¶ Sicut in celo et in terra.

[Sidenote: Oratio]
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