A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men by Thomas Betson
page 16 of 34 (47%)
page 16 of 34 (47%)
Acciones n[ostra]s quesum[us] d[omin]e aspirando [pre]ueni et adiuuando [pro]sequere. vt cûcta n[ostra] operatio a te sem[per] incipiat. et [per] te cepta finia[tur]. Per [christu]m d[ominu]m nostrû Amen. ¶ This prayer folowynge is good for them that vnderstande not theyr seruyce in latyne. in syngynge. or sayenge. or that lacke deuocyon in tyme of theyr sayd seruyce. and wolde haue it. Blessyd Ihesu cryst our lorde god & sauyour whiche I knowe well come in to this worlde not for them that were Iuste & ryghtfull / but for synners to redeme them by thy deth & shedyng of thy precyous blood. Now mercyfull & pyteous. lord Iesu cryste forgyue me & haue mercy of me after thy grete mercyes / & for thy crosse & bytter passyon. For I am a synner / & haue greuously erred & offended the. Not for thy swete Ihesu. I byleue in the / & neuer denyed the nor shall. Attende & beholde good lorde Iesu my fayth & Intencyon / the vertue of the wordes of holy prayers [that] I haue sayd / songe / or shall / & beholde not myn Inhabylyte & Ignoraunce. Wauerynge of mynde & neclygence. But graût of thy grete goodnes / that the prayers [with] all other good dedes done by me / or to be done may gracyously profyte me. And them that I am bounde to praye for / or that haue nede of prayer / Whether they be lyuynge or deed / to thencreace of thy mercyes laude & glorye & worshyp of thy blessyd moder Mary & all sayntes Amen. ¶ Thankynges to our lord god for his dayly gyftes & benefaytes / |