A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men by Thomas Betson
page 17 of 34 (50%)
page 17 of 34 (50%)
& is called. Deo gracias.
Almighty & euerlastynge lorde god Ihesu cryst. I worshyp the. I gloryfye the. I thanke the now & euer shall for the makynge of me to thy symylytude / gyuynge to me with angelles wytte / reason & vnderstandynge / and haste redemed me with grete paynes vnto deth / shedynge thy precyous blood plenteuously for me / & dayly defendest me frõ myn enemyes goostly & bodely / preseruynge me to this tyme by thy grace / both slepyng & wakynge from dyuers perylles & dethys that other hath fallen in & perysshed. And ouer these [thou] hast endowed me with thyn holy cõmaundementes & newe lawes of grace & pyte / with holy sacramentes of the chirche. And moost in especyall gyuynge vs thy blessyd body & blood for destruccion of our synnes encreace of vertue & grace / and synguler comforte to all that ben on lyue and deed. And besydes these thou hast ordeyned angelles / & all other thy creatures bothe of heuen & erthe / as sonne and mone / fysshe & foule / beest and fruyte / with all other Innumerable to serue me. And to the entente that I sholde loue & serue agayne with all myn herte deuoutly. And also hast pyteously suffred me whan I haue synned. Not takynge me thenne to thy strayte Iugement to my dampnacyon perpetuell. Also I loue the / and thanke the in moost especyall for that thou hast made me heyre & partener of thy blysse in heuen perpetuelly / where I trust to see the face to face with the fader and the holy goost in eternall peas and glorye Amen ¶ For these blessyd Ihesu & other thy benefytes & gyftes Infynyte I thanke the with all my herte / & I desyre euer to serue the / to loue the / to worshyp the / & magnyfye the here / and in the worldes durynge withouten ende. Amen. |