A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men by Thomas Betson
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page 4 of 34 (11%)
redynes to all s[yn]nes. is euer redy duryng this wretched &
mortall lyf / by many & dyuers ways to forgyue vs our trespace / & to graûte & gyue vs his grace / yf so be that truly we ordeyne vnto hym these treuthes folowynge sayd & done with all our herte. The fyrst / thou shalt saye. Blessyd lorde I knowleche [that] I haue synned ayenst thy goodnes thus and thus Rehersynge thy synnes. And I am dyspleaseth therwith by reason of the whiche I do penaunce & wyll do. For I knowe well that I haue greued the & broken thy cõmaûdementes. In the whiche thou only ought to be worshypped. The seconde saye this treuthe. Good lorde I haue good purpose & desyre with thyn helpe to be ryght ware herafter that I fall not in to synne / & I entende to flee the occasions after [the] possibilyte of my power. The thyrde is this. Mercyful lorde I haue a good wyll to make an hole confessyon of all my synnes whan place & tyme cõuenient may be had acordynge to thy cõmaûdement & all holy chirche. These thre treuthes who soeuer sayth [with] his herte vnfaynyngly in what place [that] euer it be / he may be sure [that] he is in [the] state of helth & grace & he shal haue euer lastynge lyf though he had done all the synnes of the worlde. And yf he decessed [with]out ony other confession for lacke of a preest. as slepyng sodayn deth he sholde be saue suffrynge afore harde payne of purgatory / wherfor it is a good coûsel [that] euery crysten man ones or twyes a daye erly or late / or els at lest on holy dayes examyne his conscyence & remêbre yf he may [with] al his herte vnfayn[yn]gly say these thre treuthes / & yf he do he may be sure [that] he is in [the] state of grace. And yf he may not. but is in wyll to synne ayen & to haue his delectacion [with] dede / & wyll not flee the occasyons of mortall synnes & so drowned wyl not aryse. as vsurers. fals marchaûts or [that] desyren vengeaûce [with] suche other suche may be certayne |