A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men by Thomas Betson
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page 5 of 34 (14%)
[that] the pope may not assoyle them Not for thy holsom coûsell
is [that] suche praye & gyue almesse & do other good dedes after theyr power [that] god the father may lyghten theyr hertes. & the sooner torne them to goodnes. Amen. ¶ This Pater noster / taught our lorde his dyscyples / and all people by his gospell. Fader our that art in heuens / halowed be thy name. Thy kyngdom come to [the]. Thy wyll be do as in heuen so in erthe. Our eche dayly brede gyue vs to daye. And forgyue vs our dettes ryght as we forgyue to our dettours. And lede vs not in to temptacyon. But delyuer vs from euyll Amen / that is to saye. So be it. ¶ This is the Aue maria / that Gabryell sayd salutynge our blessyd lady / & it is the gospell. Heyll Mary full of grace / the lorde is with the / blessyd be thou amonge wymen / & blessyd be the fruyte of thy wombe Ihesus. Amen. ¶ These ben the artycles of our Crede / and oure byleue / that who is baptysed and trusteth in hem shall be saued. I byleue in god fa[der] almyghty shaper of heuen & erthe. And in Ihesu cryste his oonly sone our lorde / the whiche is conceyued of the holy goost / borne of Mary the mayde / suffred payne & passyon vn[der] Ponce Pylate. Crucefyed / deed / & buryed / he lyghted |