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Division of Words - Rules for the Division of Words at the Ends of Lines, with Remarks on Spelling, Syllabication and Pronunciation by Frederick William Hamilton
page 1 of 78 (01%)

Transcriber's Note:

1. Some examples which appear not to follow the preceding guideline are
printed thus in the original book. It looks as if sometimes the guideline
is mistaken.

2. Italicized text is rendered as _text_, bold text is rendered as =text=.

3. Accented syllables are marked with a single quote (').

4. This book uses several diacritical marks for phonetics, the table below
lists the codings used: (the "x" represents a character with a diacritical

Diacritical mark Above Below

Macron (straight line) [=x] [x=]
2 dots (diaeresis, umlaut) [:x] [x:]
Breve (u-shaped symbol) [)x] [x)]
Tilde [~x] [x~]
Small capital I [Ix]

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