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A Treatise of Witchcraft by Alexander Roberts
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Concerning humane witnesses, they be almost infinite; and therefore it
shall be sufficient to produce some few, choyce, and selected: [f] The
second Councell of _Constantinople_ held and gathered together in the
Imperiall palace, of two hundred seuen and twenty learned and reuerent
Bishops, nameth sundry sorts of such Sorcerers, and censureth their
actions to be the damned practises of the Pagans, and decreeth all the
Agents therein excommunicated from the Church and society of Christian
people, adding the motiue reason of this their determined sentence, from
the Apostle, _2. Cor. 6. 14_. For righteousnesse hath no fellowship with
vnrighteousnesse, neither is there communion of light with darknesse,
nor concord with Christ and Belial, nor the beleeuer can haue part with
an Infidell. And [g]_Chrysostome_ sharply reproueth all such, and those
who aduise with them vpon any occasion, confuting the reasons which they
take to be sufficient warantise of their doings. As among the rest they
will pretend, Shee was a Christian woman who doth thus charme or
inchant; and taketh no other but the name of God in her mouth, vseth the
words of sacred Scripture. To this that holy Father replieth, Therefore
she is the more to be hated, because shee hath abused and taken in vaine
that great and glorious name, and professing herselfe a Christian, yet
practiseth the [h]damnable Arts of miscreant and vnbeleeuing Heathen.
For the Diuels could speake the name of God, and neuerthelesse were
still Diuels; and when they said vnto Christ, they knew who he was, the
holy one of God, &c. _Mar. 1. 24.25._ their mouthes were stopped, he
would no such witnesse, that wee should learne, not to beleeue them when
they say the truth: for this is but a bait, that wee might afterward
follow their lies. There is much mention made of these, both in the
Ciuill and [i]Canon Lawes, and diuersitie of punishment alotted out for
them; so that none can doubt but that there hath beene, and are such.
I might remember vnto you the authority of _Clemens Romanus_ in his
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