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A Treatise of Witchcraft by Alexander Roberts
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Recognitions, and those Constitutions which are fathered vpon the
Apostles; but their credit is not so great, that they may without
exception be impannelled vpon this Iury, for they haue long since been
chalenged of [k]insufficiencie.

[Footnote f: _Cap 61. congregata est hac synodus sib Iustiniano
qui vocatus est +rhinotmêtês+, in qua erant Episcopi, 227.
Balsamon in suis ad eum Commentarijs, & vocata est synodus in
Trullo erat autem +ho trullos+ Secretarium palatij quia in eo fuit
celebrata, eam aut[~e] +pentekên+ vocat Balsamon quasi Quintisextã
dicas quia quod quinte & sexta synodis deerat (septem enim
recipiunt Græci) hæc expleuit, Nomenclator Græcorum dictionum quæ
apud Harmenopulum occurrunt in sui iuris Promptuario._]

[Footnote g: This testimony of _Chrysostome_ is cited by
_Balsamon_, in his exposition vpon that Chapter of the Councell
before alleaged, to which may be added other of the same holy
Bishop in his 9 _Homily_ vpon the Epistle to the _Colossians_,
& his 6 Sermon against the _Iewes_.]

[Footnote h: _Superstitio tãto peior est quãto plura miscentur
bona, quoniã vnde debeat honorari Deus honoratur Diabolus. _Ioh.
Gerson_ in Trilogio Astrologiæ Theologisatæ propositione 21._]

[Footnote i: _Vide Phothi[~u] Patriarchã Constantinopolitan[~u] in
nono Canone titulo 13. cap. 19_]

[Footnote k: _Ierome_ in his Apology against _Ruffinus._ and
_Eusebius_ alloweth but one only Epistle of his, _Histor.
Ecclesiast. 2. cap. 16_. _Gratianus distinct. 15._ _Epiphanius
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