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A Treatise of Witchcraft by Alexander Roberts
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vnvaluable blessing, in his iustice giueth ouer the despisers thereof
vnto the power of Sathan, whereby both others who contemne the same,
might by their dreadfull example bee terrified, and the faithfull
stirred vp to a respectiue thankfulnesse, for so great a mercy
vouchsafed vnto them, and acknowledge their happinesse in being made
partakers thereof, and by especiall fauour deliuered out of the tyranny
of the Diuell: For this is one of the fearefull iudgements of God, and
hidden from vs (as all are a great depth, _Psal. 36. 6._) that those who
receiued not the truth that they might be saued, should haue strong
delusions sent vnto them, and bee giuen ouer to belieue Sathan and his
lying signes, and false wonders, _2. Thess._ 2. 10. And thus consenting
vnto sinne, and his suggestions, they are depriued of the [b]helpe and
assistance of God, and so disabled to resist all violent rushing
temptations: for one offence, not being truely repented of, bringeth
another, and at last throweth head-long downe into hell: and by this
meanes man despising God his creator & redeemer, and obeying the Diuell
a professed enemy, and irreconciliable aduersary, not easie to be
confronted, becommeth his seruant: for of whomsoeuer any is ouercome,
euen of the same is hee brought into bondage, _2. Pet. 2. 19_. And the
Apostle giueth as the reason why the heathen were so sottish Idolaters,
and defiled themselues with many detestable and loathsome sinnes,
[c]because when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither
were thankfull, therefore God gaue them ouer to a reprobate sence, and
vile affections to doe those things which were not conuenient, full of
all vnrighteousnesse, _Rom 1. 24.25. &. 29_ So these being enthralled,
and deuoting themselues to the Diuell by a mutuall league (either
expresse or secret) he brandeth with his mark for his [d]owne, as in
ancient time was an vse with Bondslaues and [e]Captiues, and these bee
+ezôgrêmenoi+, taken aliue in his snare, _2. Tim. 2. 26._ and
that in some part of the body, least either suspected or perceiued by vs
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