A Treatise of Witchcraft by Alexander Roberts
page 23 of 100 (23%)
page 23 of 100 (23%)
(for hee is a cunning concealer) as vnder the eye-lids, or in the palat
of the mouth, or other secret places: Wherefore some Iudges cause them, once being called into question, and accused, to be shauen all the body[f] ouer. And for the manner of impression, or branding, it is after this sort. The Diuell when hee hath once made the contract betweene himselfe and the Witch, and agreed vpon the conditions, what they shall doe, the one for the other, giueth her some scratch[g], which remaineth ful of paine & anguish vntill his return againe: at which time hee doth so benumme the same, that though it be pierced with any sharpe instrument, yet is without any sence of feeling, and will not yeeld one droppe of bloud at all: a matter knowne by iust, often, and due triall. [Footnote a: _Danæus de sortiarijs. cap. 20_] [Footnote b: _Iaquerius in flagello Hereticorum, cap. 18._] [Footnote c: _Peccatum si citius pænitendo non tergitur, iusto Iudicio omnipotens Deus obligatam peccantis mentem, etiam in culpam alteram permittit cadere, vt qui flendo & corrigendo noluit mundare quod fecit, peccatum incipiat peccato cumulare, Greg. Hom. 11. in Ezech. Augustinus lib. 83. questionum questione 97. & Aquinas 1. 2. quæst. 79. artic. 3 & quæst. 87. artic. 2._] [Footnote d: _Zanchius de operibus creationis, part. 1 lib. 4. cap. 15. Danæus de sortiarijs cap. 4. & Erastus de Lamijs._] [Footnote e: _De hoc more Alexander ab Alexandro. Dierum genialium lib. 5. cap. 18. Suetonius in Caligula, cap. 27. Cicero de officijs lib. 2. Cælius Rhodinginus Antiquarum lectionum lib. 7. cap. 31. & olim militiæ Tyrones_ +stigmatiai+ _erant & in cute |