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A Treatise of Witchcraft by Alexander Roberts
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ioyned and linked together with Satan in a league (the common and
professed enemy of mankinde) and by his helpe performe many subtile
mischieuous actions, and hurtfull designes, it is strange that from so
great a smoake arising, they neither descrie nor feare some fire. And
therefore, in respect of these, I haue at your appointment and request
(for whom I am most willing to bestow my best labours and euer shall be)
penned this small Treatise, occasioned by the detection of a late witch
among you, whose irreligious care, and vnwearied industry, is not to be
defrauded of deserued commendation, and by mature deliberation, and
descreete search, found out her irreligious and impious demeanour, and
also discouered sundry her vnnaturall and inhumane mischiefes done to
others, whereof being conuicted, she was accordingly sentenced, and did
vndergoe the penalty iustly appointed, and due by Law vnto malefactors
of that kinde. After all which, you kindled with a holy zeale of the
aduauncement of Gods glorie, and giuing satisfaction to euery one
howsoeuer affected, intermitted no meanes, vsing therein the labour of
your carefull Ministers (willingly offering themselues in this holy
seruice) whereby she might be broght (as one conuerted in the last
houre) to the sight & acknowledgement of her heinous sins in generall,
& particularly of that of witchcraft, confessing the same, & by true
repentance, and embracing of the tender mercies of God in Christ Iesus
saue her soule (who refuseth no true and vnfained conuert at any time.)
And hee gratiously blessing these religious endeuors of yours,
vouchsafed to second the same with a happy and wished for euent, which
(as I hope) shall appeare manifestly in the following Treatise vnto all
those who are not fondly, & without cause, too much wedded to their owne
conceits: And thus, desiring GOD most humbly to confirme and strengthen
you in his truth, which euer you haue loued, and is your due praise, and
shall be at the last an honour vnto you: I rest

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