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A Treatise of Witchcraft by Alexander Roberts
page 5 of 100 (05%)
_Your Worships in all Christian duty_
_to be commaunded,_


[Footnote a: _2 Timoth. 3. 5._]

[Footnote b: _Titus 1. 16._]

To the Reader.

Christian Reader, I haue vpon occasion penned this short discourse, and
that of such a subject wherewith not being well acquainted, am enforced
to craue some direction from those, whose names you shall finde
remembred in the same: (that I be not vnthankefull vnto those from whom
I receiue instruction) and haue in former time, and latter dayes, taken
paines in searching out, both the speculatiue, and practique parts of
this damnable Art of Witchcraft, a dangerous and seducing inuention of
Sathan, who from the Arcenals, and Magisins store-houses of his ancient
and mischieuous furniture, hath not spared to affoord all helpe, and the
best Engines for the subuerting of soules, pliable to his allurements:
and to this end, beside a plaine narration of fact in this case
committed and confessed, (least the Treatise should be too bare and
naked) I haue added thereunto a few Propositions, agreeing to such a
subiect matter, manifesting some speciall poynts not altogether
impertinent in my opinion, nor vnworthy of due consideration: I know
mine owne wants, and do as willingly acknowledge them: One more
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