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The Motor Maid by Charles Norris Williamson;Alice Muriel Williamson
page 3 of 343 (00%)


"We raced along a clear road, the Etang shimmering
blue before us" _Frontispiece_

facing page
"While I wrestled ... with a bodice as snug as
the head of a drum, the lord of all it contained
appeared in the doorway" 48

"It took half an hour to dig the car out, and push
her up from the hollow where the snow lay thickest" 272

"Jack's hand, inside Mr. Stokes's beautiful, tall
collar, shook Bertie back and forth till his teeth
chattered like castanets" 328


One hears of people whose hair turned white in a single night. Last
night I thought mine was turning. I had a creepy feeling in the roots,
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