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First Book in Physiology and Hygiene by John Harvey Kellogg
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~1. Parts of the Body.~--What do we call the main part of a tree? The
trunk, you say. The main part of the body is also called its _trunk_.
There are two arms and two legs growing out of the human trunk. The
branches of a tree we call limbs, and so we speak of the arms and legs
as _limbs_. We sometimes call the arms the _upper extremities_, and the
legs the _lower extremities_. At the top of the trunk is the head.

~2. Names of the Parts.~--Now let us look more closely at these
different parts. As we speak the name of each part, let each one touch
that part of himself which is named. We will begin with the head. The
chief parts of the head are the _skull_ and the _face_. The _forehead_,
the _temples_, the _cheeks_, the _eyes_, the _ears_, the _nose_, the
_mouth_, and the _chin_ are parts of the face.

~3.~ The chief parts of the trunk are the _chest_, the _abdomen_
(ab-do´-men), and the _backbone_. The head is joined to the trunk by the

~4.~ Each arm has a _shoulder_, _upper-arm_, _fore-arm_, _wrist_, and
_hand_. The _fingers_ are a part of the hand.

~5.~ Each leg has a _hip_, _thigh_, _lower leg_, _ankle_, and _foot_.
The _toes_ are a part of the foot.

~6.~ Our hands and face and the whole body are covered with something as
soft and smooth as the finest silk. It is the _skin_. What is it that
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