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First Book in Physiology and Hygiene by John Harvey Kellogg
page 9 of 172 (05%)
body does is _physiology_ (phys-i-ol´-o-gy). The study of how to take
care of the body is _hygiene_ (hy´-jeen).


1. The body is something like a house. It has an outside and an inside;
it has hollow places inside of it, and there are many wonderful things
in them.

2. The body is also like a wonderful machine.

3. It is necessary to take good care of the body in order to keep it
well and useful, just as we would take good care of a machine to keep it
from wearing out too soon.

4. The body has many different parts, called organs, each of which has
some particular work to do.

5. In learning about the body, we have to study anatomy, physiology, and

6. The study of the various parts of the body, how they are formed and
joined together, is anatomy. Physiology tells us what the body does,
hygiene tells us how to take care of it.

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