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First Book in Physiology and Hygiene by John Harvey Kellogg
page 14 of 172 (08%)
~8. The Lungs and Heart.~--The chest contains a pair of organs called
the _lungs_, with which we breathe. It also contains something which we
can feel beating at the left side. This is the _heart_. The heart lies
between the two lungs, and a little to the left side.

~9. The Stomach and Liver.~--In the abdomen are some very wonderful
organs that do different kinds of work for the body. Among them are the
_stomach_, the _bowels_, and the _liver_. There are, also, other organs
whose names we shall learn when we come to study them.

~10. Care of the Body.~--We have only begun to study the beautiful
house in which we live, and yet have we not learned enough to show us
how great and wise is the Creator who made us and all the wonderful
machinery within our bodies? If some one should give you a beautiful
present, would you treat it carelessly and spoil it, or would you take
good care of it and keep it nice as long as possible? Ought we not to
take such care of our bodies as to keep them in that perfect and
beautiful condition in which our kind and good Creator gave them to us?


1. The body has a framework, called the skeleton.

2. The skeleton is made up of many different parts, each of which is
called a bone.

3. The bones are covered by the flesh.

4. The bones of the head form the skull, which is hollow and contains
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