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The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
page 12 of 42 (28%)
tell me whether my Syr, by my garlond I may see
wife is false or Fekyl̴l̴ or fals yf þat sche be,
true; Or[1] yf þat sche be trewe; 123
and will change And yf my wyfe loue a p_ar_amoure,
its colour if she Than wylÌ´lÌ´ my garlond vade coloure,
go wrong." And change wylÌ´lÌ´ yt the hewe." 126
The lord þought "by godys myght,
"I'll try that," That wylÌ´lÌ´ I wete thys same nyght
thinks the Lord, Whether thys tale be trewe." 129
and goes to the To the wryghtys howse anon he went,
wright's wife. He fonde the wyfe ther-in p_re_sente
[leaf 180] That was so bryght and schene; THE LORD 132
Sone he hayled her trewly, BRIBES THE
And so dyd sche the lord curtesly: WRIGHT'S WIFE
Sche seyd, "welcome ye be;" TO LIE WITH 135
Thus seyd the wyfe of the hows, HIM.
She asks after her "Syr, howe faryth my swete spouse
husband That hewyth vppon your̛ tre?" 138
but the Lord "Sertes, dame," he seyd, "wele,
And I am come, so haue I hele,
To wete the wylle of the; 141
declares his own My loue ys so vppon the cast
love for her, That me thynketh my hert wolle brest,
It wolle none otherwyse be; 144
and prays her to Good dame, graunt me thy grace
grant him his To pley with the in some preuy place
will. For gold and eke for fee." 147
She entreats him "Good syr, lett be youre fare,
to let that be, And of such wordes speke no mare
For hys loue þat dyed on tre; 150
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