The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
page 13 of 42 (30%)
page 13 of 42 (30%)
Hadde we onys begonne þat gle,
My husbond by his garlond myght see; For sorowe he would wexe woode." 153 but he presses "Certes, dame," he seyd, "naye; her, Loue me, I pray you, in þat ye maye: For godys loue change thy mode, 156 and offers her 40 Forty marke schalÌ´lÌ´ be youre mede marks. Of sylu_er_ and of gold[_e_] rede, And that schalÌ´lÌ´ do the good." 159 On this she "Syr, that deede schalÌ´lÌ´ be done; consents if he'll Take me that mony here anon_e_." put down the "I swere by the holy rode 162 money. I thought when I cam hydderÌ For to bryng[2] yt alÌ´lÌ´ to-gydderÌ, As I mott broke my heele." 165 The 40 marks she Ther sche toke xl marke takes Of syluer and gold styff and sterke: Sche toke yt feyre and welle; THE 168 and tells him to Sche seyd, "in to the chambyr wylÌ´lÌ´ we, LORD IS go [leaf 180, back] Ther no man schalÌ´lÌ´ vs see; DROPPED into the secret No lenger wylÌ´lÌ´ we spare." 171 chamber. Vp the steyer they gan[3] hye: THROUGH Upstairs he goes, The stepes were made so queyntly A TRAPDOOR, That farther myght he nott fare. 174 stumbles, The lord stumbyllyd as he went in hast, and pops down 40 He felÌ´lÌ´ doune in to þat chaste feet through the Forty fote and somedele more. 177 wright's trapdoor. The lord began to crye; The wyfe seyd to hym in hye, "Syr, what do ye there?" 180 |