The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
page 14 of 42 (33%)
page 14 of 42 (33%)
He prays the "Dame, I can nott seye howe
That I am come hydder nowe To thys hows þat ys so newe; 183 I am so depe in thys sure flore That I ne can come owte att no dore; good dame to have Good dame, on me þou rewe!" 186 pity on him. "Nay," sche seyd, "so mut y the, "Nay," says she, Tyl̴l̴ myne husbond come and se, "not till my I schrewe hym þat yt þought." 189 husband sees you." The lord arose and lokyd abowte The Lord tries to If he myght eny where gete owte, get out, but Butt yt holpe hy{m~} ryght nogħt, 192 can't, The wallys were so thycke w_y_t_h_y{n)}, That he no where myght owte wynne But helpe to hy{m~} were brought; 195 and then threatens And eu_er_ the lord made euyl̴l̴ chere, the wife, And seyd, "dame, þou schalt by thys dere." Sche seyd that sche ne rougħt; 198 but she doesn't Sche seyd "I recke nere care for that, Whyle I am here and þou art there, I schrewe herre þat þe doth drede." 201 The lord was sone owte of her þought, and goes away to The wyfe went in to her lofte, her work. Sche satte and dyd her dede. AND HAS 204 Next day the Lord Than yt fel̴l̴ on þat oþer daye, TO BEAT FLAX begs for food. Of mete and drynke he gan her p_ra_y, TO EARN HIS There of he hadde gret nede. DINNER. 207 [leaf 181] He seyd, "dame, for seynt charyte, Wyth some mete þou comfort me." "You'll get none Sche seyd, "nay, so god me spede, 210 |