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The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
page 15 of 42 (35%)
from me For I swere by swete seynt Iohn_e_,
Mete ne drynke ne getyst þou none
unless you sweat Butt þou wylt swete or swynke; 213
for it," says she; For I haue both hempe and lyne,
"spin me some And a betyngstocke fulÌ´lÌ´ fyne,
flax." And a swyngylÌ´lÌ´ good and grete; 216
If þou wylt worke, tell me sone."
He says he will: "Dame, bryng yt forthe, yt schalÌ´lÌ´ be done,
FulÌ´lÌ´ gladly would I ete." 219
she throws him the Sche toke the stocke in her honde,
tools, And in to the pytt sche yt sclang
With a grete hete: 222
the flax and hemp, Sche brought the lyne and hempe on her backe,
and says, "Work "Syr lord," sche seyd, "haue þou þat,
away." And lerne for to swete." 225
Ther sche toke hym a bonde
For to occupy hys honde,
And bade hym fast on to bete. 228
He does, He leyd yt downe on the[4] stone,
lays on well, And leyd on strockes welÌ´lÌ´ good wone,
And sparyd nott on to leyne. 231
Whan þat he hadde wrought a thraue,
and then asks for Mete and drynke he gan to craue,
his food, And would haue hadde yt fayne; 234
"That I hadde somewhat for to ete
Now aft_er_ my gret swete;
Me thynketh yt were rygħt, 237
for he's toiled For I haue labouryd nyght and daye
night and day. The for to plese, dame, I saye,
And therto putt my myght." 240
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