The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
page 17 of 42 (40%)
page 17 of 42 (40%)
As many a woman ca{n)}." 270
"I'll prove that The stuard þought "by godes mygħt, this very night," That schal̴l̴ I preue thys same nygħt says the steward, Whether þou blys or banne," 273 gets plenty of And in to hys chambyr he gan gone, money, and goes And toke tresure ful̴l̴ good wone, off And forth he spedde hem tha{n)}. AND 276 Butt he ne stynt att no stone THINKS to the wright's Tyl̴l̴ he vn-to þe wryghtes hows come HE HAS house, That ylke same nygħt. SUCCEEDED 279 He mett the wyfe amydde the gate, SO WELL. takes her round Abowte þe necke he gan her take, the neck, And seyd "my dere wyght, 282 [leaf 182] Al̴l̴ the good þat ys myne and offers her all I wyl̴l̴ the geue to be thyne he has, to lie by To lye by the al̴l̴ nyght." 285 her that night. Sche seyd, "syr, lett be thy fare, She refuses, My husbond wolle wete wyth-owty{n)} mare And I hym dyd that vnrygħt; 288 I would nott he myght yt wete For al̴l̴ the good that I myght gete, So Ih_esus_[5] mutt me spede 291 as her husband For, and eny man lay me by, would be sure to My husbond would yt wete truly, know of it. It ys wythowtyn eny drede." 294 The steward urges The stuard seyd "for hym þat ys wrought, her again, There-of, dame, drede the nogħt Wyth me to do that dede; 297 and offers her 20 Haue here of me xx marke marks. Of gold and syluer styf and starke, |