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The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
page 18 of 42 (42%)
Thys tresoure schalÌ´lÌ´ be thy mede." 300
She says, "Then "Syr, and I graunt þat to yoū,
don't tell any Lett no man wete butt we two nowe."
one," He seyd, "nay, wythowtyn drede." 303
The stuard þought, 'sykerly
Women beth both queynte & slye.'
takes his money, The mony he gan her bede; 306
He þought wele to haue be spedde,
And of his erand he was onredde
Or he were fro he{m~} I-gone. 309
sends him up the Vp the sterys sche hym leyde
quaint stairs, TylÌ´lÌ´ he saw the wryghtes bedde: THE STEWARD IS
Of tresoure þought he none; SHOT THROUGH 312
and lets him He went and stumblyd att a stone; THE TRAPDOOR,
tumble through In to þe seller̛ he fylle sone,
the trapdoor. Downe to the bare flore. 315
"What the devil The lord seyd "what deuyl̴l̴ art þoū?
are you?" says And þou hadest falle on me nowe,
the Lord. Thowe hadest hurt me fulÌ´lÌ´ sore." 318
[leaf 182, back] The stuard stert and staryd abowte
The steward finds If he mygħt ower gete owte
he can't get out; Att hole lesse or mare. 321
The lord seyd, "welcome, and sytt be tyme,
For þou schalt helpe to dyght thys lyne
For alÌ´lÌ´ thy fers[e] fare." 324
The stuard lokyd on the knygħt,
and wonders why He seyd, "syr, for godes myght,
his Lord is My lord, what do you here?" 327
there. He seyd "felowe, wyth-owtyn oth,
"We both came on For o erand we come bothe,
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