The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
page 19 of 42 (45%)
page 19 of 42 (45%)
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one errand, man." The sothe wolle I nott lete." 330
The wife asks what Tho cam the wyfe them vn-to, they're doing; And seyd, "syres, what do you to, WylÌ´lÌ´ ye nott lerne to swete?" 333 the Lord says, Than seyd þe lord her vn-to, "Your flax is 'Dame, yourÌ lyne ys I-doo, done, and I want Nowe would I fayne ete: 336 my dinner." And I haue made yt alÌ´lÌ´ I-lyke, FulÌ´lÌ´ clere, and no þing thycke, Me thynketh yt gret payne." 339 The steward says The stuard seyd "wyth-owtyn dowte, if he ever gets And eu_er_ I may wynne owte, out he'll crack I wylÌ´lÌ´ breke her brayne." 342 her skull. "Felowe, lett be, and sey nott so, But the wife For þou schalt worke or eu_er_ þou goo, chaffs him, Thy wordes þou torne agayne, 345 says he'll soon be Fayne þou schalt be so to doo, glad to eat his And thy good wylle put þerto; words, As a man buxome and bayne BUT IS 348 and unless he rubs Thowe schalt rubbe, rele, and spynne, PROUD, AND and reels, he'll And þou wolt eny mete wynne, WILL NOT get no meat. That I geue to god a gyfte." WORK FOR 351 "I'll die for The stuard seyd, "then haue I wondyr; HIS DINNER. hunger first, Rather would I dy for hungyr unhouseled," Wyth-owte hosylÌ´lÌ´ or shryfte." 354 answers he. The lord seyd, "so haue I hele, [leaf 183] Thowe wylt worke, yf þou hungyr welle, What worke þat the be brought." 357 The Lord works The lord satt and dyd hys werke, away, The stuard drewe in to the derke, |