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The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
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Gret sorowe was in hys þought. 360
The lord seyd, "dame, here ys youre lyne,
Haue yt in godes blessyng and myne,
I hold yt welle I-wrought." 363
and gets his food Mete and drynke sche gaue hym y{n)},
and drink. "The stuard," sche seyd, "wolle he nott spynne,
Wyl̴l̴ he do ryght nogħt?" 366
The lord seyd, "by swete sen Ione,
None of it will he Of thys mete schalÌ´lÌ´ he haue none
give to the That ye haue me hydder brought." 369
steward, The lord ete and dranke fast,
but eats it all The stuard hungeryd att þe last,
up, For he gaue hym nought. 372
The stuard satt alÌ´lÌ´ in a stody,
Hys lord hadde forgote curtesy:
Tho[6] seyd þe stuard, "geue me some." 375
and won't give him The lord seyd, "sorowe haue þe morsel̴l̴ or sope
one crumb: That schalÌ´lÌ´ come in thy throte!
Nott so much as o crome! 378
let him work and Butt þou wylt helpe to dyght þis lyne,
earn some for Much hungyr yt schalÌ´lÌ´ be thyne
himself. Though þou make much mone." 381
The steward gives Vp he rose, and went therto,
in, "Bett_er_ ys me þus to doo
Whyle yt must nedys be do." 384
asks for work; the The stuard began fast to knocke, THE STEWARD
wife throws it The wyfe þrew hym a swyngelyng stocke, IS OBLIGED
him, Hys mete þerwyth to wy{n)}; TO WORK 387
Sche brought a swyngyl̴l̴ att þe last, AFTER ALL.
"Good syres," sche seyd, "swyngyll_e_ on fast;
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