The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
page 21 of 42 (50%)
page 21 of 42 (50%)
For no þing that ye blynne." 390
Sche gaue hy{m)} a stocke to sytt vppo{n)}, And seyd "syres, þis werke must nedys be done, Al̴l̴ that that ys here y{n)}." 393 [leaf 183, back] The stuard toke vp a stycke to saye, and steward and "Sey, seye, swyngyl̴l̴ bett_er_ yf ye may, Lord are both Hytt wyl̴l̴ be the bett_er_ to spynne." 396 spinning away Were þe lord neu_er_ so gret, to earn their Yet was he fayne to werke for hys mete dinner, Though he were neu_er_ so sadde; 399 Butt þe stuard þat was so stowde, Was fayne to swyngell_e_ þe scales owte, Ther-of he was nott glad. 402 while the Lord's The lordys meyne þat were att home people cannot make Wyst nott where he was bycome, out what has They were ful̴l̴ sore adrad. 405 become of him. Then the Proctor The proctoure of þe parysche chyrche rygħt sees the wright Came and lokyd on þe wryght, He lokyd as he ware madde; 408 Fast þe proctoure gan hym frayne, and asks where he "Where hadest þou þis garlond gayne? got his garland It ys eu_er_ lyke newe." 411 from. The wryght gan say "felowe, "With my wife; Wyth my wyfe, yf þou wylt knowe; That dare me nott rewe; 414 and while she is For al̴l̴ the whyle my wyfe trew ys, true it will never My garlond wolle hold hewe I-wys, fade, And neu_er_ falle nor fade; 417 but if she's false And yf my wyfe take a p_ar_amoure, |