The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
page 23 of 42 (54%)
page 23 of 42 (54%)
and the proctor The proctoure went a lytylÌ´lÌ´ to wyde
tumbles into the He fel̴l̴ downe by and by. 450 cellar, Whan he in to þe seller felle, and thinks he is He wente to haue sonke in to helle, going to hell. He was in hart ful̴l̴ sory. 453 The stuard lokyd on the knyght, The steward asks And seyd "proctoure, for godes myght, him to sit down; Come and sytt vs by." 456 The proctoure began to stare, he doesn't know For he was he wyst neu_er_ whare, THE PROCTOR where he is, Butt wele he knewe þe knyght CAN'T 459 And the stuard þat swyngelyd þe lyne. MAKE OUT but asks what the He seyd "syres, for godes pyne, WHERE HE Lord and steward What do ye here thys nygħt?" HAS GOT 462 are after there, The stuard seyd, "god geue the care, TO. Thowe camyst to loke howe we fare, Nowe helpe þis lyne were dyght." 465 He stode styl̴l̴ in a gret þought, What to answer he wyst noght: "By mary ful̴l̴ of myght," 468 working the wife's The proctoure seyd, "what do ye in þis yn_e_ flax; For to bete thys wyfees lyne? [leaf 184, back] For Ih_esus_ loue, fful̴l̴ of myght," 471 The proctoure seyd ryght as he þougħt, he, the proctor, "For me yt schal̴l̴ be euyl̴l̴ wrougħt will never do the And I may see arygħt, 474 like, For I lernyd neu_er_ in lon{d+} it's not his For to haue a swyngel̴l̴ in hond trade. By day nor be nyght." 477 The steward says, The stuard seyd, "as good as þoū. |