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The Wright's Chaste Wife - A Merry Tale (about 1462) by of Cobsam Adam
page 24 of 42 (57%)
"We're as good as We hold vs that be here nowe,
you, and yet And lett preue yt be sygħt; 480
have to work for Yet must vs worke for owre mete,
our food." Or ellys schalÌ´lÌ´ we none gete,
Mete nor drynke to owre honde." 483
The Lord says, The lord seyd, "why flyte ye two?
"And you'll have I trowe ye wylÌ´lÌ´ werke or ye goo,
to work ere you Yf yt be as I vndyrstond." 486
go." Abowte he goys twyes or thryes;
They eat and They ete & drunke in such wyse
drink, and give That þey geue hym ryght noght. 489
the proctor The proctoure seyd, "thynke ye no schame,
nothing, Yheue me some mete, (ye be to blame,)
to his great Of that the wyfe ye brougħt." 492
disgust, The stuard seyd "euylÌ´lÌ´ spede the soppe
If eny morcelÌ´lÌ´ come in thy throte
Butt þou w_y_t_h_ vs hadest wrought." HE HAS 495
till at last The proctoure stode in a stody TO WIND
Whether he mygħt worke hem by; AND SPIN
And so to torne hys þougħt, FOR HIS 498
To the lord he drewe nere, DINNER.
And to hym seyd w_y_t_h_ myld[_e_] chere,
"That mary mott the spede!" 501
he too knocks for The proctoure began to knocke,
work, The good wyfe rawte hym a rocke,
For therto hadde sche nede; 504
Sche seyd "whan I was mayde att home,
Other werke cowde I do none
My lyfe ther-wyth to lede." 507
gets a distaff and Sche gaue hym in hande a rocke hynde,
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